Hemangioma, Cavernous, Central Nervous System

Hemangiom, kavernöst, centrala nervsystemet

Svensk definition

En kärlmissbildning bestående av anhopningar av stora, tunnväggiga vener utan tillhörande nervvävnad. De är vanligast i hjärnstammen, men kan även förekomma i hjärnhalvorna, mellanhjärnan, lillhjärnan och ryggmärgen. Missbildningarna har en tendens att brista och ge upphov till en rad allvarliga kliniska tillstånd (t ex krampanfall, halvsidig muskelförsvagning), som beror på blödningens läge.

Engelsk definition

A vascular anomaly composed of a collection of large, thin walled tortuous VEINS that can occur in any part of the central nervous system but lack intervening nervous tissue. Familial occurrence is common and has been associated with a number of genes mapped to 7q, 7p and 3q. Clinical features include SEIZURES; HEADACHE; STROKE; and progressive neurological deficit.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Central Nervous System Cavernous Hemangioma Cavernous Hemangioma, Central Nervous System Cerebral Cavernous Hemangioma Cavernous Hemangioma, Cerebral Cavernous Hemangiomas, Cerebral Cerebral Cavernous Hemangiomas Hemangioma, Cerebral Cavernous Hemangiomas, Cerebral Cavernous Cavernous Hemangioma, Extracerebral Cavernous Hemangiomas, Extracerebral Extracerebral Cavernous Hemangioma Extracerebral Cavernous Hemangiomas Hemangioma, Extracerebral Cavernous Hemangiomas, Extracerebral Cavernous Cavernous Hemangioma, Intracerebral Cavernous Hemangiomas, Intracerebral Hemangioma, Intracerebral Cavernous Hemangiomas, Intracerebral Cavernous Intracerebral Cavernous Hemangiomas Intracerebral Cavernous Hemangioma Cavernous Angioma, Central Nervous System Cavernous Hemangioma of Brain Brain Cavernous Hemangioma Brain Cavernous Hemangiomas Cavernous Angiomatous Malformations Angiomatous Malformation, Cavernous Angiomatous Malformations, Cavernous Cavernous Angiomatous Malformation Malformation, Cavernous Angiomatous Malformations, Cavernous Angiomatous Familial Cavernous Malformation Cavernous Malformation, Familial Cavernous Malformations, Familial Familial Cavernous Malformations Malformation, Familial Cavernous Malformations, Familial Cavernous Cavernous Angioma, Familial Angioma, Familial Cavernous Angiomas, Familial Cavernous Cavernous Angiomas, Familial Familial Cavernous Angioma Familial Cavernous Angiomas Cerebral Cavernous Malformation Cavernous Malformation, Cerebral Cavernous Malformations, Cerebral Malformation, Cerebral Cavernous Malformations, Cerebral Cavernous Cerebral Capillary Malformations Capillary Malformation, Cerebral Capillary Malformations, Cerebral Cerebral Capillary Malformation Malformation, Cerebral Capillary Malformations, Cerebral Capillary Cerebral Cavernous Malformations