Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Disease


Svensk definition

En typ av glomerulonefrit med snabbt förlopp och kännetecknad av cirkulerande anti-GBM-antikroppar samt avlagringar av immunglobulin och komplement längs det glomerulära basalmembranet. Om tillståndet åtföljs av lungblödningar kallas det Goodpastures syndrom.

Engelsk definition

An autoimmune disease of the KIDNEY and the LUNG. It is characterized by the presence of circulating autoantibodies targeting the epitopes in the non-collagenous domains of COLLAGEN TYPE IV in the basement membranes of kidney glomeruli (KIDNEY GLOMERULUS) and lung alveoli (PULMONARY ALVEOLI), and the subsequent destruction of these basement membranes. Clinical features include pulmonary alveolar hemorrhage and glomerulonephritis.

Svenska synonymer

Goodpastures syndrom

Engelska synonymer

Anti Glomerular Basement Membrane Disease Anti-GBM Disease Anti GBM Disease Lung Purpura with Nephritis Goodpasture's Syndrome Goodpastures Syndrome Syndrome, Goodpasture's Goodpasture Syndrome Syndrome, Goodpasture