Canavan Disease

Canavans sjukdom

Svensk definition

En sällsynt, degenerativ nervsjukdom i tidig barndom kännetecknad av vakuolisering och demyelinisering av den vita substansen, vilket ger den ett svampigt utseende. Aspartoacylasbrist leder till ansam ling av N-acetylaspartat i astrocyterna. Tillståndet kan vara autosomalt recessivt ärftligt eller uppträda sporadiskt; det uppträder oftare hos individer av ashkenasisk judisk härkomst. I den form som drabbar nyfödda ses hypotoni och letargi, som snabbt leder till medvetslöshet och död.

Engelsk definition

A rare neurodegenerative condition of infancy or childhood characterized by white matter vacuolization and demeylination that gives rise to a spongy appearance. Aspartoacylase deficiency leads to an accumulation of N-acetylaspartate in astrocytes. Inheritance may be autosomal recessive or the illness may occur sporadically. This illness occurs more frequently in individuals of Ashkenazic Jewish descent. The neonatal form features the onset of hypotonia and lethargy at birth, rapidly progressing to coma and death. The infantile form features developmental delay, DYSKINESIAS, hypotonia, spasticity, blindness, and megalencephaly. The juvenile form is characterized by ATAXIA; OPTIC ATROPHY; and DEMENTIA. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p944; Am J Med Genet 1988 Feb;29(2):463-71)

Svenska synonymer

Canavans leukodystrofi Spongiform leukodystrofi Aspartoacylasbrist

Engelska synonymer

Disease, Canavan Canavan-van Bogaert-Bertrand Disease Canavan van Bogaert Bertrand Disease Disease, Canavan-van Bogaert-Bertrand Leukodystrophy, Spongiform Spongiform Leukodystrophy Spongy Disease of White Matter Van Bogaert-Bertrand Syndrome Syndrome, Van Bogaert-Bertrand Van Bogaert Bertrand Syndrome Von Bogaert-Bertrand Disease Disease, Von Bogaert-Bertrand Von Bogaert Bertrand Disease Spongy Degeneration of the Central Nervous System Spongy Degeneration Of Central Nervous System Spongy Degeneration of White Matter In Infancy Spongy Degeneration of the Brain Spongy Disease of Central Nervous System Spongy Degeneration of Infancy Canavan Disease, Familial Form Familial Form of Canavan Disease Canavan Disease, Infantile Infantile Canavan Disease Type II Canavan Disease Canavan Disease, Type II Canavan Disease, Neonatal Neonatal Canavan Disease Type I Canavan Disease Canavan Disease, Type I Canavan Disease, Sporadic Form Sporadic Form of Canavan Disease Aminoacylase 2 Deficiency ASPA Deficiency ACY2 Deficiency ASP Deficiency Deficiency Disease, Aspartoacylase Aspartoacylase Deficiency Canavan Disease, Juvenile Juvenile Canavan Disease Type III Canavan Disease Canavan Disease, Type III