

Svensk definition

Salter och estrar av karbaminsyra som innehåller den generella formeln NH2-COO-. Estrarna kallas ofta uretaner, vilket egentligen endast är korrekt för etylestrarna.

Engelsk definition

Derivatives of carbamic acid, H2NC(=O)OH. Included under this heading are N-substituted and O-substituted carbamic acids. In general carbamate esters are referred to as urethanes, and polymers that include repeating units of carbamate are referred to as POLYURETHANES. Note however that polyurethanes are derived from the polymerization of ISOCYANATES and the singular term URETHANE refers to the ethyl ester of carbamic acid.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Carbamate Carbamic Acids Acids, Carbamic Aminoformic Acids Acids, Aminoformic