Macrophage Inflammatory Proteins

Makrofaginflammatoriska proteiner

Svensk definition

Heparinbindande proteiner som har ett antal inflammatoriska och immunreglerande verkningar. Dessa kemokiner identifierades ursprungligen som utsöndringsprodukter av makrofager, men de produceras av flera olika celltyper, bl a neutrofiler, fibroblaster och epitelceller. De spelar sannolikt en viktig roll för andningsvägarnas försvarsförmåga.

Engelsk definition

Heparin-binding proteins that exhibit a number of inflammatory and immunoregulatory activities. Originally identified as secretory products of MACROPHAGES, these chemokines are produced by a variety of cell types including NEUTROPHILS; FIBROBLASTS; and EPITHELIAL CELLS. They likely play a significant role in respiratory tract defenses.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Inflammatory Proteins, Macrophage Macrophage Inflammatory Protein Inflammatory Protein, Macrophage Protein, Macrophage Inflammatory Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1 Inflammatory Protein-1, Macrophage Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Protein-1, Macrophage Inflammatory