Chemotactic Factors


Svensk definition

Kemiska ämnen som attraherar eller stöter bort celler eller organismer. Begreppet avser särskilt de faktorer som, sedan de frigjorts till följd av vävnadsskada, invasion eller immunologisk aktivitet, drar leukocyter, makrofager eller andra celler till infektions- eller skadestället.

Engelsk definition

Chemical substances that attract or repel cells. The concept denotes especially those factors released as a result of tissue injury, microbial invasion, or immunologic activity, that attract LEUKOCYTES; MACROPHAGES; or other cells to the site of infection or insult.

Svenska synonymer

Kemotaxiner Cytotaxiner Cytotaxinogener

Engelska synonymer

Chemoattractant Chemotaxins Chemotaxin Chemoattractants Chemotactic Factor Factor, Chemotactic Cytotaxinogens Cytotaxins Chemotactic Factors, Macrophage Macrophage Chemotactic Factors Macrophage Chemotactic Factor Chemotactic Factor, Macrophage Factor, Macrophage Chemotactic