

Svensk definition

Korniga leukocyter med en kärna med tre till fem lober, förbundna med tunna kromatintrådar, och cytoplasma med små, oansenliga korn. De färgas av neutrala färgämnen.

Engelsk definition

Granular leukocytes having a nucleus with three to five lobes connected by slender threads of chromatin, and cytoplasm containing fine inconspicuous granules and stainable by neutral dyes.

Svenska synonymer

LE celler Polymorfonukleära leukocyter Neutrofila granulocyter Lupus erythematosus-celler

Engelska synonymer

Neutrophil Leukocytes, Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte, Polymorphonuclear Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils Neutrophil, Polymorphonuclear Polymorphonuclear Neutrophil LE Cells Cell, LE LE Cell Neutrophil Band Cells Band Cell, Neutrophil Neutrophil Band Cell