Granulocyte Precursor Cells


Svensk definition

De celler i granulocytserien som ger upphov till mogna granulocyter (neutrofiler, eosinofiler och basofiler). Prekursorcellerna omfattar myeloblaster, promyelocyter, myelocyter och metamyelocyter.

Engelsk definition

The cells in the granulocytic series that give rise to mature granulocytes (NEUTROPHILS; EOSINOPHILS; and BASOPHILS). These precursor cells include myeloblasts, promyelocytes, myelocytes and metamyelocytes.

Svenska synonymer

Myeloblaster Promyelocyter Myelocyter Progranulocyter Granulocytprogenitorer

Engelska synonymer

Cell, Granulocyte Precursor Cells, Granulocyte Precursor Granulocyte Precursor Cell Precursor Cell, Granulocyte Precursor Cells, Granulocyte Granulocytic Precursor Cells Cell, Granulocytic Precursor Cells, Granulocytic Precursor Granulocytic Precursor Cell Precursor Cell, Granulocytic Precursor Cells, Granulocytic Metamyelocytes Metamyelocyte Promyelocytes Promyelocyte Premyelocytes Premyelocyte Progranulocytes Progranulocyte Myeloblasts Myeloblast Myelocytes Myelocyte Granulocyte Progenitor Cells Cell, Granulocyte Progenitor Cells, Granulocyte Progenitor Granulocyte Progenitor Cell Progenitor Cell, Granulocyte Progenitor Cells, Granulocyte Granulocyte Progenitors Granulocyte Progenitor Progenitor, Granulocyte Progenitors, Granulocyte