Alexander Disease

Alexanders sjukdom

Svensk definition

Sällsynt leukoencefalopati med anhoppning av Rosenthalfibrer i subpiala, periventrikulära och subependymala hjärnzoner. Oftast debuterar i spädbarnsåldern. Sjukdomen som debuterar i undomsåldern eller vuxenåldern visar progressiv atrofi i nedre hjärnstammen. De novo GFAP mutationer visar benägenhet för paternal nedärvning.

Engelsk definition

Rare leukoencephalopathy with infantile-onset accumulation of Rosenthal fibers in the subpial, periventricular, and subependymal zones of the brain. Rosenthal fibers are GLIAL FIBRILLARY ACIDIC PROTEIN aggregates found in ASTROCYTES. Juvenile- and adult-onset types show progressive atrophy of the lower brainstem instead. De novo mutations in the GFAP gene are associated with the disease with propensity for paternal inheritance.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Demyelinogenic Leukodystrophy Fibrinoid Degeneration of Astrocytes Leukodystrophy with Rosenthal Fibers Alexander's Disease Alexanders Disease Dysmyelinogenic Leukodystrophy