Lymphoma, AIDS-Related

AIDS-relaterat lymfom

Svensk definition

B-celltumörer som uppträder i samband med AIDS. Drabbade patienter har ofta ett framskridet sjukdomsstadium med elakartade subtyper, omfattande bl a Burkitts lymfom, storcelligt immunoblastiskt lymfom, odelad småcellslymfom och diffus storcellslymfom. Tumörerna är ofta spridda till ovanliga, extranodala ställen, och ofta föreligger kromosomavvikelser. Polyklonal B-cellsproliferation vid AIDS är sannolikt ett komplext resultat av EBV-infektion, HIV-antigenstimulering och T-cellsberoende HIV-aktivering.

Engelsk definition

B-cell lymphoid tumors that occur in association with AIDS. Patients often present with an advanced stage of disease and highly malignant subtypes including BURKITT LYMPHOMA; IMMUNOBLASTIC LARGE-CELL LYMPHOMA; PRIMARY EFFUSION LYMPHOMA; and DIFFUSE, LARGE B-CELL, LYMPHOMA. The tumors are often disseminated in unusual extranodal sites and chromosomal abnormalities are frequently present. It is likely that polyclonal B-cell lymphoproliferation in AIDS is a complex result of EBV infection, HIV antigenic stimulation, and T-cell-dependent HIV activation.

Svenska synonymer

Lymfom, AIDS-relaterat

Engelska synonymer

Lymphoma, AIDS Related Lymphoma, HIV-Related Lymphoma, HIV Related HIV-Related Lymphoma HIV Related Lymphoma HIV-Related Lymphomas Lymphomas, HIV-Related Lymphoma, AIDS-Associated AIDS-Associated Lymphomas Lymphoma, AIDS Associated Lymphomas, AIDS-Associated AIDS-Associated Lymphoma AIDS Associated Lymphoma AIDS-Related Lymphoma AIDS Related Lymphoma AIDS-Related Lymphomas Lymphomas, AIDS-Related