Lymphoma, Large-Cell, Immunoblastic

Lymfom, storcelligt, immunoblastiskt

Svensk definition

Maligna lymfom kännetecknade av förekomst av immunoblaster med ensartade, runda-ovala cellkärnor, en eller flera framträdande nukleoler, och rikligt med cytoplasma. Denna klass kan underindelas i plasmacytoida och klarcellstyper, beroende på cytoplasmaegenskaper. En tredje kategori, den pleomorfa, kan vara analog med vissa perifera T-cellslymfom, vilka påvisats i såväl USA som Japan.

Engelsk definition

Malignant lymphoma characterized by the presence of immunoblasts with uniformly round-to-oval nuclei, one or more prominent nucleoli, and abundant cytoplasm. This class may be subdivided into plasmacytoid and clear-cell types based on cytoplasmic characteristics. A third category, pleomorphous, may be analogous to some of the peripheral T-cell lymphomas (LYMPHOMA, T-CELL, PERIPHERAL) recorded in both the United States and Japan.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Immunoblastoma Immunoblastomas Sarcoma, Immunoblastic Immunoblastic Sarcoma Immunoblastic Sarcomas Sarcomas, Immunoblastic Immunoblastic Lymphosarcoma, Diffuse Diffuse Immunoblastic Lymphosarcoma Diffuse Immunoblastic Lymphosarcomas Immunoblastic Lymphosarcomas, Diffuse Lymphosarcoma, Diffuse Immunoblastic Lymphosarcomas, Diffuse Immunoblastic Large-Cell Immunoblastic Lymphoma Immunoblastic Lymphoma, Large-Cell Immunoblastic Lymphomas, Large-Cell Large Cell Immunoblastic Lymphoma Large-Cell Immunoblastic Lymphomas Lymphoma, Large-Cell Immunoblastic Lymphomas, Large-Cell Immunoblastic Lymphoma, Immunoblastic, Large Cell Lymphoma, Large Cell, Immunoblastic Immunoblastic Large-Cell Lymphoma Immunoblastic Large Cell Lymphoma Immunoblastic Large-Cell Lymphomas Large-Cell Lymphoma, Immunoblastic Large-Cell Lymphomas, Immunoblastic Lymphoma, Immunoblastic Large-Cell Lymphomas, Immunoblastic Large-Cell Lymphoma, Immunoblastic, Large-Cell