Medical Records, Problem-Oriented

Problemorienterade journaler

Svensk definition

Ett journalsystem som innehåller en förteckning över patientens problem, där all sjukhistoria, diagnoser, laboratoriefynd osv specifika för varje problemställning är införda under den problemrubriken.

Engelsk definition

A system of record keeping in which a list of the patient's problems is made and all history, physical findings, laboratory data, etc. pertinent to each problem are placed under that heading.

Svenska synonymer

Patientjournaler, problemorienterade

Engelska synonymer

Problem-Oriented Medical Records Problem Oriented Medical Records Record, Problem-Oriented Medical Record, Problem Oriented Medical Records, Problem-Oriented Medical Records, Problem Oriented Medical Medical Record, Problem-Oriented Medical Record, Problem Oriented Problem-Oriented Medical Record Medical Records, Problem Oriented