Svensk definition
En ärftlig sjukdom som kännetecknas av en islolerad höjning i plasma av endogent syntetiserad triglycerid, bunden till VLDL. Det anses vara ett autosomalt dominant drag.
En ärftlig sjukdom som kännetecknas av en islolerad höjning i plasma av endogent syntetiserad triglycerid, bunden till VLDL. Det anses vara ett autosomalt dominant drag.
A hypertriglyceridemia disorder, often with autosomal dominant inheritance. It is characterized by the persistent elevations of plasma TRIGLYCERIDES, endogenously synthesized and contained predominantly in VERY-LOW-DENSITY LIPOPROTEINS (pre-beta lipoproteins). In contrast, the plasma CHOLESTEROL and PHOSPHOLIPIDS usually remain within normal limits.
Familjär hypertriglyceridemi — Kolhydratframkallad hyperlipedemi — Hyperprebetalipoproteinemi
Type IV, Hyperlipoproteinemia — Hyper prebeta lipoproteinemia — Carbohydrate-Inducible Hyperlipemia — Carbohydrate-Inducible Hyperlipemias — Hyperlipemia, Carbohydrate-Inducible — Hyperlipemias, Carbohydrate-Inducible — Hyperlipoproteinemia, Type IV — Hyperlipoproteinemias, Type IV — Type IV Hyperlipoproteinemia — Type IV Hyperlipoproteinemias — Familial Hyperlipoproteinemia Type 4 — Carbohydrate Inducible Hyperlipemia — Carbohydrate Inducible Hyperlipemias — Hyperlipemia, Carbohydrate Inducible — Hyperlipemias, Carbohydrate Inducible — Inducible Hyperlipemia, Carbohydrate — Inducible Hyperlipemias, Carbohydrate — Familial Type IV Hyperlipoproteinemia — Hypertriglyceridemia, Familial — Familial Hypertriglyceridemia — Hyperprebetalipoproteinemia