Svensk definition
En klass mycket lätta (0,93-1,006 g/ml) och stora (30-80 nm) lipoproteiner, med en kärna av huvudsakligen triglycerider och ett ytlager av fosfolipider och kolesterol som omsluter apolipoprotein B, E och C. VLDL ombesörjer transport av endogena triglycerider till vävnader utanför levern. När triglycerider och Apo C kopplats bort, omvandlas VLDL till medeltunga lipoproteiner och sedan till lätta lipoproteiner, vilka levererar kolesterol till vävnaderna utanför levern.
Engelsk definition
A class of lipoproteins of very light (0.93-1.006 g/ml) large size (30-80 nm) particles with a core composed mainly of TRIGLYCERIDES and a surface monolayer of PHOSPHOLIPIDS and CHOLESTEROL into which are imbedded the apolipoproteins B, E, and C. VLDL facilitates the transport of endogenously made triglycerides to extrahepatic tissues. As triglycerides and Apo C are removed, VLDL is converted to INTERMEDIATE-DENSITY LIPOPROTEINS, then to LOW-DENSITY LIPOPROTEINS from which cholesterol is delivered to the extrahepatic tissues.
Lipoproteiner, VLDL — Prebetalipoproteiner — VLDL2 lipoproteiner — VLDL3 lipoproteiner
VLDL Lipoproteins — Prebeta-Lipoproteins — Prebeta Lipoproteins — Very Low Density Lipoprotein — Pre-beta-Lipoprotein — Pre beta Lipoprotein — Prebeta-Lipoprotein — Prebeta Lipoprotein — Very-Low-Density Lipoprotein — Lipoprotein, Very-Low-Density — Pre-beta-Lipoproteins — Pre beta Lipoproteins — Very-Low-Density Lipoproteins — Lipoproteins, Very-Low-Density — Very Low Density Lipoproteins — Lipoproteins, VLDL2 — VLDL2 Lipoproteins — Lipoprotein VLDL II — Lipoproteins, VLDL1 — VLDL1 Lipoproteins — Lipoproteins, VLDL I — Lipoproteins, VLDL3 — VLDL3 Lipoproteins — Lipoproteins, VLDL III