Hepatic Encephalopathy


Svensk definition

Ett syndrom som kännetecknas av svikt i det centrala nervsystemet i förening med leversvikt, inklusive portasystemshuntar. Kliniska tecken är trötthet och förvirring (som ofta leder till koma), asterixis (flaxande rörelser), nystagmus, livliga okulovestibularreflexer, dekortikerad och decerebrerad kroppshållning, muskelryckningar och bilaterala babinskireflexer. EEG kan visa trefasvågor.

Engelsk definition

A syndrome characterized by central nervous system dysfunction in association with LIVER FAILURE, including portal-systemic shunts. Clinical features include lethargy and CONFUSION (frequently progressing to COMA); ASTERIXIS; NYSTAGMUS, PATHOLOGIC; brisk oculovestibular reflexes; decorticate and decerebrate posturing; MUSCLE SPASTICITY; and bilateral extensor plantar reflexes (see REFLEX, BABINSKI). ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY may demonstrate triphasic waves. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp1117-20; Plum & Posner, Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma, 3rd ed, p222-5)

Svenska synonymer

Leverkoma Hepatisk encefalopati Hepatisk stupor Hepatisk koma Fulminant leversvikt med cerebralt ödem

Engelska synonymer

Encephalopathies, Hepatic Hepatic Encephalopathies Encephalopathy, Hepatic Portal-Systemic Encephalopathy Portal Systemic Encephalopathy Encephalopathy, Portal-Systemic Encephalopathies, Portal-Systemic Encephalopathy, Portal Systemic Portal-Systemic Encephalopathies Encephalopathy, Portosystemic Hepatocerebral Encephalopathy Portosystemic Encephalopathy Encephalopathies, Portosystemic Portosystemic Encephalopathies Encephalopathy, Hepatocerebral Encephalopathies, Hepatocerebral Hepatocerebral Encephalopathies Hepatic Coma Coma, Hepatic Comas, Hepatic Hepatic Comas Hepatic Stupor Hepatic Stupors Stupor, Hepatic Stupors, Hepatic Fulminant Hepatic Failure with Cerebral Edema