

Svensk definition

Godartade eller elakartade tumörer i det centrala nervsystemet med sitt ursprung i gliaceller (dvs astrocyter, oligodendrocyter och ependymocyter). Astrocyter kan ge upphov till astrocytom eller glioblastom. Oligodendrocyter ger upphov till oligodendrogliom, och ependymocyter kan förvandlas till ependymom, plexus choroideustumörer eller kolloida tumörer i den tredje ventrikeln.

Engelsk definition

Benign and malignant central nervous system neoplasms derived from glial cells (i.e., astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and ependymocytes). Astrocytes may give rise to astrocytomas (ASTROCYTOMA) or glioblastoma multiforme (see GLIOBLASTOMA). Oligodendrocytes give rise to oligodendrogliomas (OLIGODENDROGLIOMA) and ependymocytes may undergo transformation to become EPENDYMOMA; CHOROID PLEXUS NEOPLASMS; or colloid cysts of the third ventricle. (From Escourolle et al., Manual of Basic Neuropathology, 2nd ed, p21)

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Gliomas Glial Cell Tumors Glial Cell Tumor Tumor, Glial Cell Tumors, Glial Cell Mixed Glioma Glioma, Mixed Gliomas, Mixed Mixed Gliomas Malignant Glioma Glioma, Malignant Gliomas, Malignant Malignant Gliomas