Svensk definition
En form av dvärgväxt orsakad av brist på somatotropin (tillväxthormon), vilken kan bero på funktionsstörning i hypotalamus eller hypofysens framlob.
En form av dvärgväxt orsakad av brist på somatotropin (tillväxthormon), vilken kan bero på funktionsstörning i hypotalamus eller hypofysens framlob.
A form of dwarfism caused by complete or partial GROWTH HORMONE deficiency, resulting from either the lack of GROWTH HORMONE-RELEASING FACTOR from the HYPOTHALAMUS or from the mutations in the growth hormone gene (GH1) in the PITUITARY GLAND. It is also known as Type I pituitary dwarfism. Human hypophysial dwarf is caused by a deficiency of HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE during development.
Hypofysär dvärgväxt — Isolerad tillväxthormonbrist
Pituitary Dwarfism — Growth Hormone Deficiency Dwarfism — Hyposomatotrophic Dwarfism — Nanism, Pituitary — Pituitary Nanism — Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency — Dwarfism, Growth Hormone Deficiency — Isolated HGH Deficiency — Isolated Human Growth Hormone Deficiency — Isolated Somatotropin Deficiency — Isolated Somatotropin Deficiency Disorder — Isolated GH Deficiency — Hypophysial Dwarf — Pituitary Dwarf