Electron Transport Complex IV

Elektrontransportkomplex IV

Svensk definition

Det sista oxidaset i andningskedjan. Det samlar ihop elektroner som överförts från reducerat cytokrom c och avger dem till molekylärt syre, som sedan reduceras till vatten. Enzymet består av cytokrom a och cytokrom b, två kopparatomer och 13 olika proteinunderenheter, av vilka kodas av mitokondrie-DNA. Ibland kallas det även komplex IV i andningskedjan. EC

Engelsk definition

A multisubunit enzyme complex containing CYTOCHROME A GROUP; CYTOCHROME A3; two copper atoms; and 13 different protein subunits. It is the terminal oxidase complex of the RESPIRATORY CHAIN and collects electrons that are transferred from the reduced CYTOCHROME C GROUP and donates them to molecular OXYGEN, which is then reduced to water. The redox reaction is simultaneously coupled to the transport of PROTONS across the inner mitochondrial membrane.

Svenska synonymer

Cytokrom c-oxidas Cytokromoxidas Cytokrom aa3 Elektrontransportkedjan IV

Engelska synonymer

Ferrocytochrome c Oxygen Oxidoreductase Cytochrome-c Oxidase (Complex IV) Cytochrome Oxidase Oxidase, Cytochrome Cytochrome-c Oxidase Cytochrome c Oxidase Oxidase, Cytochrome-c Signal Peptide p25-Subunit IV Cytochrome Oxidase Signal Peptide p25 Subunit IV Cytochrome Oxidase Pre-CTOX p25 p25 Presequence Peptide-Cytochrome Oxidase p25 Presequence Peptide Cytochrome Oxidase Cytochrome-c Oxidase Subunit III Cytochrome c Oxidase Subunit III Subunit III, Cytochrome Oxidase Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit III Cytochrome-c Oxidase Subunit IV Cytochrome c Oxidase Subunit IV Cytochrome aa3 Heme aa3 Cytochrome Oxidase Cytochrome a,a3 Cytochrome c Oxidase Subunit VIa