Svensk definition
Oförmåga att minnas händelser som inträffat före en viss tidpunkt. Fenomenet kan ha organiska eller psykogena orsaker. Organiska orsaker kan vara skallskada, stroke, krampanfall, demens eller ett stort antal olika tillstånd som hämmar hjärnfunktionerna.
Engelsk definition
Loss of the ability to recall information that had been previously encoded in memory prior to a specified or approximate point in time. This process may be organic or psychogenic in origin. Organic forms may be associated with CRANIOCEREBRAL TRAUMA; CEREBROVASCULAR ACCIDENTS; SEIZURES; DEMENTIA; and a wide variety of other conditions that impair cerebral function. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp426-9)
Svenska synonymer
Retrograd minnesförlust — Preiktal amnesi — Amnesi, retrograd
Engelska synonymer
Amnesias, Retrograde — Retrograde Amnesias — Retrograde Amnesia — Pre-Ictal Memory Loss — Memory Losses, Pre-Ictal — Memory Loss, Pre-Ictal — Pre Ictal Memory Loss — Pre-Ictal Memory Losses — Amnesia, Pre-Ictal — Amnesia, Pre Ictal — Amnesias, Pre-Ictal — Pre-Ictal Amnesia — Pre-Ictal Amnesias — Memory Loss, Retrograde — Memory Losses, Retrograde — Retrograde Memory Loss — Retrograde Memory Losses