Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis

Akut generaliserad exantematös pustulos

Svensk definition

Ett sällsynt hudutslag karakteriserat av akuta, omfattande sterila pustler, feber och periferal blod leukocytos.

Engelsk definition

Rare skin eruption characterized by acute formation of pustules filled with NEUTROPHILS, fever, and peripheral blood LEUKOCYTOSIS. Most cases are associated with the use of antibiotics (e.g., BETA-LACTAMS).

Svenska synonymer

Akut lokaliserad exantematös pustulos

Engelska synonymer

Pustulosis, Exanthematous, Acute Generalized Acute Generalised Exanthematous Pustulosis Acute Localized Exanthematous Pustulosis Pustulosis, Exanthematous, Acute Localized