Drug Eruptions


Svensk definition

Biverkning i form av hudreaktioner till följd av någon form av intag av, eller behandling med, läkemedel. Utslagen kan variera till utseendet och ge olika typer av sår.

Engelsk definition

Adverse cutaneous reactions caused by ingestion, parenteral use, or local application of a drug. These may assume various morphologic patterns and produce various types of lesions.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Drug Eruption Eruption, Drug Eruptions, Drug Dermatitis, Adverse Drug Reaction Dermatitis Medicamentosa Morbilliform Drug Reaction Drug Reaction, Morbilliform Drug Reactions, Morbilliform Morbilliform Drug Reactions Reaction, Morbilliform Drug Reactions, Morbilliform Drug Morbilliform Exanthem Exanthem, Morbilliform Exanthems, Morbilliform Morbilliform Exanthems Maculopapular Exanthem Exanthem, Maculopapular Exanthems, Maculopapular Maculopapular Exanthems Maculopapular Drug Eruption Drug Eruption, Maculopapular Drug Eruptions, Maculopapular Eruption, Maculopapular Drug Eruptions, Maculopapular Drug Maculopapular Drug Eruptions