Mitochondrial Proton-Translocating ATPases

Mitokondriella protontranslokerande ATPaser

Svensk definition

Protontranslokerande ATPaser som ansvarar för adenosintrifosfatsyntesen (ATP-syntesen) i mitokondrierna. De får energi från de respiratoriska kedjereaktioner som producerar höga halter protoner i mellanrummet mellan mitokondriernas membran.

Engelsk definition

Proton-translocating ATPases responsible for ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE synthesis in the MITOCHONDRIA. They derive energy from the respiratory chain-driven reactions that develop high concentrations of protons within the intermembranous space of the mitochondria.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

ATPases, Mitochondrial Proton-Translocating Mitochondrial Proton Translocating ATPases Proton-Translocating ATPases, Mitochondrial Electron Transport Complex V Mitochondrial ATP Synthases ATP Synthases, Mitochondrial Mitochondrial F(1)F(0) ATPase Respiratory Complex V Mitochondrial ATP Synthase ATP Synthase, Mitochondrial