Chloroplast Proton-Translocating ATPases

Kloroplast ATPas

Svensk definition

Protontranslokerande ATPaser som producerar adenosintrifosfat i växter. De får sin energi från ljusförmedlade reaktioner som utvecklar höga koncentrationer av protoner inuti kloroplasternas membrankammare (tylakoider).

Engelsk definition

Proton-translocating ATPases which produce ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE in plants. They derive energy from light-driven reactions that develop high concentrations of protons within the membranous cisternae (THYLAKOIDS) of the CHLOROPLASTS.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

ATPases, Chloroplast Proton-Translocating Chloroplast Proton Translocating ATPases Chloroplast Coupling Factor Chloroplast ATPases ATPases, Chloroplast Chloroplast F(1)F(0) ATPase Chloroplast Coupling Factors Chloroplast ATP Synthase ATP Synthase, Chloroplast Synthase, Chloroplast ATP Chloroplast ATPase ATPase, Chloroplast Chloroplast ATP Synthases ATP Synthases, Chloroplast Synthases, Chloroplast ATP Chloroplast Coupling Factor 0 Chloroplast Coupling Factor 1 CF1 ATPase ATPase, CF1