Lead Poisoning, Nervous System, Childhood

Blyförgiftning, nervsystemet, barn

Svensk definition

Nervåkommor hos barn efter blyexponering. Det allra vanligaste tecknet på blyförgiftning hos barn är encefalopati som har samband med kroniskt intag av bly och som uppträder mellan ett och tre års ålder. Till kliniska tecken hör beteendeförändringar och följande slöhet, krampanfall, hallucinationer, delirium, ataxi och kräkningar. Förhöjt skalltryck och hjärnödem kan förekomma.

Engelsk definition

Neurologic disorders occurring in children following lead exposure. The most frequent manifestation of childhood lead toxicity is an encephalopathy associated with chronic ingestion of lead that usually presents between the ages of 1 and 3 years. Clinical manifestations include behavioral changes followed by lethargy; CONVULSIONS; HALLUCINATIONS; DELIRIUM; ATAXIA; and vomiting. Elevated intracranial pressure (HYPERTENSION, INTRACRANIAL) and CEREBRAL EDEMA may occur. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1210-2)

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Poisoning, Lead, Neurologic, Childhood Lead-Induced Nervous System Disease, Childhood Lead Induced Nervous System Disease, Childhood Plumbism, Neurologic, Childhood Nervous System Poisoning, Lead, Childhood Lead Poisoning, Neurologic, Childhood Neurologic Saturnism, Childhood Childhood Neurologic Saturnism Saturnism, Childhood Neurologic Neurotoxicity Syndrome, Lead, Childhood Poisoning, Lead, Nervous System, Childhood Nervous System Disease, Lead-Induced, Childhood Lead Encephalopathy, Childhood Childhood Lead Encephalopathy Encephalopathy, Childhood Lead Saturine Encephalopathy, Childhood Childhood Saturine Encephalopathy Encephalopathy, Childhood Saturine