Lead Poisoning, Nervous System

Blyförgiftning, nervsystemet

Svensk definition

Skador på nervsystemet pga exponering för blyföreningar. Två kliniskt distinkta mönster förekommer hos barn och vuxna. Hos barn ger blyförgiftning typiskt encefalopati, medan exponering för giftiga halter av bly hos vuxna är förknippad med perifer nervsjukdom.

Engelsk definition

Injury to the nervous system secondary to exposure to lead compounds. Two distinct clinical patterns occur in children (LEAD POISONING, NERVOUS SYSTEM, CHILDHOOD) and adults (LEAD POISONING, NERVOUS SYSTEM, ADULT). In children, lead poisoning typically produces an encephalopathy. In adults, exposure to toxic levels of lead is associated with a peripheral neuropathy.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Poisoning, Lead, Neurologic Lead Poisoning, Neurologic Neurologic Lead Poisoning Plumbism, Nervous System Nervous System Plumbism Poisoning, Lead, Nervous System Nervous System Diseases, Lead-Induced Nervous System Poisoning, Lead Neurotoxicity Syndrome, Lead Lead Neurotoxicity Syndrome Lead Neurotoxicity Syndromes Neurotoxicity Syndromes, Lead Syndrome, Lead Neurotoxicity Syndromes, Lead Neurotoxicity Plumbism, Neurologic Neurologic Plumbism Lead-Induced Nervous System Diseases