HIV Enteropathy


Svensk definition

Ett syndrom, kännetecknat av kronisk, ständig diarré (som varat mer än en månad) utan påvisbar infektionsorsak hos en HIV-positiv person. Tarmsjukdomen antas bero på direkta eller indirekta effekter av HIV på tarmslemhinnan. HIV-enteropati är en uteslutningsdiagnos som kan ställas först sedan andra diarrésjukdomar kunnat avfärdas.

Engelsk definition

A syndrome characterized by chronic, well-established DIARRHEA (greater than one month in duration) without an identified infectious cause after thorough evaluation, in an HIV-positive individual. It is thought to be due to direct or indirect effects of HIV on the enteric mucosa. HIV enteropathy is a diagnosis of exclusion and can be made only after other forms of diarrheal illness have been ruled out. (Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 13th ed, pp1607-8; Haubrich et al., Bockus Gastroenterology, 5th ed, p1155)

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Enteropathies, HIV HIV Enteropathies AIDS-Associated Enteropathy AIDS Associated Enteropathy AIDS-Associated Enteropathies Enteropathies, AIDS-Associated AIDS Enteropathy AIDS Enteropathies Enteropathies, AIDS Enteropathy, AIDS Idiopathic AIDS Enteropathy AIDS Enteropathies, Idiopathic AIDS Enteropathy, Idiopathic Enteropathies, Idiopathic AIDS Enteropathy, Idiopathic AIDS Idiopathic AIDS Enteropathies HIV-Associated Enteropathy HIV Associated Enteropathy Enteropathy, HIV Enteropathy, AIDS-Associated Enteropathy, AIDS Associated Enteropathy, HIV-Associated Enteropathies, HIV-Associated Enteropathy, HIV Associated HIV-Associated Enteropathies