HIV Long Terminal Repeat

Långt repetitionsöverhäng, HIV

Svensk definition

Reglersekvenser, viktiga för virusreplikation, belägna i båda ändar av HIV-genomet. Det långa repetitionsöverhänget (LTR) innehåller HIV-förstärkaren, promotorn och andra sekvenser. Specifika områden i LTR omfattar det negativa reglerelementet (NRE), bindningsställen för NF-kappa B och Sp1, tataboxen och "trans-acting responsive element" (TAR). Bindning av såväl cell- som virusproteiner till dessa områden styr HIV-transkriptionen.

Engelsk definition

Regulatory sequences important for viral replication that are located on each end of the HIV genome. The LTR includes the HIV ENHANCER, promoter, and other sequences. Specific regions in the LTR include the negative regulatory element (NRE), NF-kappa B binding sites , Sp1 binding sites, TATA BOX, and trans-acting responsive element (TAR). The binding of both cellular and viral proteins to these regions regulates HIV transcription.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

LTR, Human Immunodeficiency Virus Human Immunodeficiency Virus LTR Long Terminal Repeat, HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus Long Terminal Repeat Trans-Acting Responsive Region, HIV Trans Acting Responsive Region, HIV HIV Trans-Acting Responsive Region HIV Trans Acting Responsive Region Trans-Activation Responsive Element, HIV Trans Activation Responsive Element, HIV Trans-Activation Responsive Region, HIV Trans Activation Responsive Region, HIV TAR Element, HIV HIV TAR Element HIV TAR Elements TAR Elements, HIV Sp1-Binding Site, HIV Sp1 Binding Site, HIV HIV Sp1-Binding Site HIV Sp1 Binding Site HIV Sp1-Binding Sites Sp1-Binding Sites, HIV HIV-1 LTR HIV 1 LTR LTR, HIV-1 Negative Regulatory Element, HIV HIV Negative Regulatory Element