Terminal Repeat Sequences

Upprepande terminalsekvenser

Engelsk definition

Nucleotide sequences repeated on both the 5' and 3' ends of a sequence under consideration. For example, the hallmarks of a transposon are that it is flanked by inverted repeats on each end and the inverted repeats are flanked by direct repeats. The Delta element of Ty retrotransposons and LTRs (long terminal repeats) are examples of this concept.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Repeat Sequence, Terminal Repeat Sequences, Terminal Sequence, Terminal Repeat Sequences, Terminal Repeat Terminal Repeat Sequence Terminal Repeat Repeat, Terminal Repeats, Terminal Terminal Repeats Flanking Repeat Sequences Flanking Repeat Sequence Repeat Sequence, Flanking Repeat Sequences, Flanking Sequence, Flanking Repeat Sequences, Flanking Repeat R Repetitive Sequence R Repetitive Sequences Repetitive Sequence, R Repetitive Sequences, R Sequence, R Repetitive Sequences, R Repetitive Long Terminal Repeat Long Terminal Repeats Repeat, Long Terminal Repeats, Long Terminal Terminal Repeat, Long Terminal Repeats, Long Delta Elements Delta Element Element, Delta Elements, Delta Inverted Terminal Repeat