Gene Products, nef

Genprodukter, nef

Svensk definition

Produkter av nef-genen (tidigare 3'-orfgenen) hos HIV. Proteinerna undertrycker virusreplikation och har negativ reglerverkan på transkriptionen. nef betyder negativ faktor.

Engelsk definition

Products of the retroviral NEF GENE. They play a role as accessory proteins that influence the rate of viral infectivity and the destruction of the host immune system. nef gene products were originally found as factors that trans-suppress viral replication and function as negative regulators of transcription. nef stands for negative factor.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Gene Product, nef nef Gene Product nef Protein 3'-orf Protein 3' orf Protein nef Gene Products