Nephrosis, Lipoid


Svensk definition

En njursjukdom med inga eller små vävnadsförändringar i glomeruli i ljusmikroskop, och utan immunavlagringar. Den kännetecknas av lipidansamlingar i njurkanalernas epitelceller och i urinen. Patienter har oftast njursyndrom med närvaro av proteinuri och åtföljande ödem.

Engelsk definition

A kidney disease with no or minimal histological glomerular changes on light microscopy and with no immune deposits. It is characterized by lipid accumulation in the epithelial cells of KIDNEY TUBULES and in the URINE. Patients usually show NEPHROTIC SYNDROME indicating the presence of PROTEINURIA with accompanying EDEMA.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Lipoid Nephroses Lipoid Nephrosis Nephroses, Lipoid Idiopathic Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome Glomerulonephritis, Minimal Change Glomerulonephritides, Minimal Change Minimal Change Glomerulonephritides Minimal Change Glomerulonephritis Nephropathy, Minimal Change Minimal Change Nephropathies Minimal Change Nephropathy Nephropathies, Minimal Change Minimal Change Glomerulopathy Glomerulopathy, Minimal Change Glomerulopathies, Minimal Change Minimal Change Disease Change Diseases, Minimal Disease, Minimal Change Diseases, Minimal Change Minimal Change Diseases Nephrotic Syndrome, Minimal Change Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome