Svensk definition
Störningar i verbal eller icke-verbal kommunikation, orskade av receptiva eller expressiva språkstörningar, kognitiv funktionsnedsättning, psykiatriska förhållanden och hörselskador.
Störningar i verbal eller icke-verbal kommunikation, orskade av receptiva eller expressiva språkstörningar, kognitiv funktionsnedsättning, psykiatriska förhållanden och hörselskador.
Disorders of verbal and nonverbal communication caused by receptive or expressive LANGUAGE DISORDERS, cognitive dysfunction (e.g., MENTAL RETARDATION), psychiatric conditions, and HEARING DISORDERS.
Communication Disorder — Communicative Disorders — Communicative Disorder — Acquired Communication Disorders — Acquired Communication Disorder — Communication Disorder, Acquired — Communication Disorders, Acquired — Childhood Communication Disorders — Childhood Communication Disorder — Communication Disorder, Childhood — Communication Disorders, Childhood — Communication Disabilities — Communication Disability — Disabilities, Communication — Disability, Communication — Communication Disorders, Developmental — Communication Disorder, Developmental — Developmental Communication Disorder — Developmental Communication Disorders — Neurogenic Communication Disorders — Communication Disorder, Neurogenic — Neurogenic Communication Disorder — Communication Disorders, Neurogenic — Communicative Dysfunction — Communicative Dysfunctions — Dysfunction, Communicative — Dysfunctions, Communicative