T-Lymphocytes, Regulatory

Regulatoriska T-lymfocyter

Engelsk definition

CD4-positive T cells that inhibit immunopathology or autoimmune disease in vivo. They inhibit the immune response by influencing the activity of other cell types. Regulatory T-cells include naturally occurring CD4+CD25+ cells, IL-10 secreting Tr1 cells, and Th3 cells.

Svenska synonymer

Treg-celler Regulatoriska T-celler Th3-celler Tr1-celler

Engelska synonymer

T Lymphocytes, Regulatory Regulatory T-Lymphocytes Regulatory T Lymphocytes Regulatory T Cell Cell, Regulatory T Cells, Regulatory T Regulatory T Cells T Cell, Regulatory T Cells, Regulatory Regulatory T-Lymphocyte Regulatory T Lymphocyte T-Lymphocyte, Regulatory Treg Cell Cells, Treg Cell, Treg Regulatory T-Cell T-Cells, Regulatory Regulatory T-Cells Treg Cells Tr1 Cells Tr1 Cell Cells, Tr1 Cell, Tr1 Th3 Cells Cells, Th3 Cell, Th3 Th3 Cell Suppressor T-Lymphocytes, Naturally-Occurring Naturally-Occurring Suppressor T-Lymphocyte Naturally-Occurring Suppressor T-Lymphocytes Suppressor T-Lymphocyte, Naturally-Occurring Suppressor T Lymphocytes, Naturally Occurring Suppressor T-Cells, Naturally-Occurring Naturally-Occurring Suppressor T-Cell Naturally-Occurring Suppressor T-Cells Suppressor T-Cell, Naturally-Occurring Suppressor T Cells, Naturally Occurring T-Cell, Naturally-Occurring Suppressor T-Cells, Naturally-Occurring Suppressor