Mastocytosis, Cutaneous

Kutan mastocytos

Svensk definition

Hudförändringar som beror på onormalt stor infiltration av mastceller. Kutan mastocytos är begränsad till huden, utan inblandning av andra vävnader eller organ, och ses oftast hos barn. De tre viktigaste varianterna är urticaria pigmentosa, diffus kutan mastocytos och solitärt hudmastocytom.

Engelsk definition

Skin lesions due to abnormal infiltration of MAST CELLS. Cutaneous mastocytosis is confined to the skin without the involvement of other tissues or organs, and is mostly found in children. The three major variants are: URTICARIA PIGMENTOSA; diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis; and SOLITARY MASTOCYTOMA OF SKIN.

Svenska synonymer

Hudmastocytos Mastocytos i huden Diffus kutan mastocytos

Engelska synonymer

Cutaneous Mastocytoses Mastocytoses, Cutaneous Skin Mastocytosis Mastocytoses, Skin Mastocytosis, Skin Skin Mastocytoses Cutaneous Mastocytosis Mastocytosis, Bullous Bullous Mastocytoses Bullous Mastocytosis Mastocytoses, Bullous Mastocytosis, Diffuse Cutaneous Cutaneous Mastocytoses, Diffuse Cutaneous Mastocytosis, Diffuse