Alexia, Pure


Svensk definition

Förlust av förmågan att läsa, trots normal synförmåga. Vid alexi utan agrafi är skrivförmågan bibehållen. Tillståndet kan bero på skadad förbindelse mellan syncentrum i den icke-dominanta hjärnhalvan och språkcentrum i den dominanta.

Engelsk definition

Loss of the power to comprehend written materials despite preservation of the ability to write (i.e., alexia without agraphia). This condition is generally attributed to lesions that "disconnect" the visual cortex of the non-dominant hemisphere from language centers in the dominant hemisphere. This may occur when a dominant visual cortex injury is combined with underlying white matter lesions that involve crossing fibers from the occipital lobe of the opposite hemisphere. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p483)

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Alexias, Pure Pure Alexias Pure Alexia Visual Verbal Agnosia Agnosia, Visual Verbal Agnosias, Visual Verbal Verbal Agnosia, Visual Verbal Agnosias, Visual Visual Verbal Agnosias Pure Alexia Without Agraphia Pure Word Blindness Blindness, Pure Word Blindnesses, Pure Word Pure Word Blindnesses Word Blindness, Pure Word Blindnesses, Pure Alexia Without Agraphia Agraphia, Alexia Without Agraphias, Alexia Without Alexia Without Agraphias Without Agraphia, Alexia Without Agraphias, Alexia Alexia Syndrome Without Agraphia