Cranial Nerve Injuries


Svensk definition

Bristande funktion hos en eller flera hjärnnerver till följd av traumatisk skada, såsom genomträngande eller icke genomträngande skallskador, nackskador eller ansiktsskador.

Engelsk definition

Dysfunction of one or more cranial nerves causally related to a traumatic injury. Penetrating and nonpenetrating CRANIOCEREBRAL TRAUMA; NECK INJURIES; and trauma to the facial region are conditions associated with cranial nerve injuries.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Cranial Nerve Injury Injuries, Cranial Nerve Injury, Cranial Nerve Nerve Injuries, Cranial Nerve Injury, Cranial Cranial Neuropathies, Traumatic Cranial Neuropathy, Traumatic Neuropathies, Traumatic Cranial Neuropathy, Traumatic Cranial Traumatic Cranial Neuropathies Traumatic Cranial Neuropathy