Abducens Nerve Injury


Svensk definition

Skada på abducensnerven (den 6. kranialnerven) genom yttre våld (skallskada, skada i ögonhålan). Sådan skada kan leda till försvagning eller förlamning av ögats sidomuskel (musculus rectus lateralis).

Engelsk definition

Traumatic injury to the abducens, or sixth, cranial nerve. Injury to this nerve results in lateral rectus muscle weakness or paralysis. The nerve may be damaged by closed or penetrating CRANIOCEREBRAL TRAUMA or by facial trauma involving the orbit.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Abducens Nerve Injuries Injuries, Abducens Nerve Injury, Abducens Nerve Nerve Injuries, Abducens Nerve Injury, Abducens Sixth-Nerve Palsy, Traumatic Sixth Nerve Palsy, Traumatic Sixth-Nerve Palsies, Traumatic Traumatic Sixth-Nerve Palsies Abducens Nerve Trauma Abducens Nerve Traumas Nerve Trauma, Abducens Nerve Traumas, Abducens Trauma, Abducens Nerve Traumas, Abducens Nerve Cranial Nerve VI Injury Sixth Cranial Nerve Injuries Sixth-Nerve Trauma Sixth Nerve Trauma Sixth-Nerve Traumas Trauma, Sixth-Nerve Traumas, Sixth-Nerve Sixth Cranial Nerve Injury Injury, Cranial Nerve VI Injury, Sixth Cranial Nerve Abducens Neuropathy, Traumatic Abducens Neuropathies, Traumatic Traumatic Abducens Neuropathies Traumatic Abducens Neuropathy Traumatic Sixth-Nerve Palsy Traumatic Sixth Nerve Palsy