Lymphomatoid Papulosis

Lymfomatoid papulos

Svensk definition

Kliniskt godartad, men histologiskt elakartad, återkommande hudsårbildning, kännetecknad av infiltration av stora, atypiska celler omgivna av inflammatoriska celler. De atypiska cellerna liknar Reed-Sternbergceller i Hodgkins sjukdom eller de maligna celler som ses vid kutant T-cellslymfom. I vissa fall utvecklas lymfomatoid papulos till lymfomatösa tillstånd, som t ex mycosis fungoides, Hodgkins sjukdom, kutant T-cellslymfom eller Ki-1-lymfom.

Engelsk definition

Clinically benign, histologically malignant, recurrent cutaneous T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder characterized by an infiltration of large atypical cells surrounded by inflammatory cells. The atypical cells resemble REED-STERNBERG CELLS of HODGKIN DISEASE or the malignant cells of CUTANEOUS T-CELL LYMPHOMA. In some cases, lymphomatoid papulosis progresses to lymphomatous conditions including MYCOSIS FUNGOIDES; HODGKIN DISEASE; CUTANEOUS T-CELL LYMPHOMA; or ANAPLASTIC LARGE-CELL LYMPHOMA.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Lymphomatoid Papuloses Papuloses, Lymphomatoid Papulosis, Lymphomatoid