Reproductive History


Svensk definition

En viktig aggregeringsfaktor vid epidemiologiska studier av kvinnors hälsa. Begreppet omfattar vanligtvis antal, tidpunkt för och utfall av graviditeter, amningsfrekvens, tidpunkt för menarche och menopaus, menstruationsfrekvens, fertilitet, gynekologiska eller obstetriska problem, samt bruk av preventivmedel.

Engelsk definition

An important aggregate factor in epidemiological studies of women's health. The concept usually includes the number and timing of pregnancies and their outcomes, the incidence of breast feeding, and may include age of menarche and menopause, regularity of menstruation, fertility, gynecological or obstetric problems, or contraceptive usage.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

History, Reproductive Histories, Reproductive Reproductive Histories Contraceptive History Contraceptive Histories Histories, Contraceptive History, Contraceptive Pregnancy History Histories, Pregnancy History, Pregnancy Pregnancy Histories Birth History Birth Histories Histories, Birth History, Birth