

Svensk definition

En kardioselektiv beta-1-adrenerg antagonist som på vissa adrenerga platser har partiell agonistverkan.

Engelsk definition

A cardioselective beta-1 adrenergic antagonist that has intrinsic sympathomimetic activity. It is used in the management of ANGINA PECTORIS and HYPERTENSION.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

N'-(3-Acetyl-4-(3-((1,1-dimethylethyl)amino)-2-hydroxypropoxy)phenyl)-N,N-diethylurea Celiprolol, Monohydrochloride, (R)-Isomer Celiprolol, Monohydrochloride, (S)-Isomer REV-5320A REV 5320A REV5320A Celiprolol, (R)-Isomer ST-1396 ST 1396 ST1396 Celiprolol Hydrochloride Hydrochloride, Celiprolol Celiprolol Monohydrochloride Monohydrochloride, Celiprolol Celiprolol, (+,-)-Isomer Celiprolol, (S)-Isomer Selectol