Svensk definition
Kärlkirurgisk metod för avlägsnande av ateromatöst plack (avlagringar i en artär) med hjälp av en skärande eller roterande kateter. Metoden skiljer sig från ballong- och laserangioplastik, vars syfte är att utvidga ett trångt kärl. Vid endarterektomi avlägsnas placket genom kirurgiskt ingrepp under narkos.
Engelsk definition
Endovascular procedure in which atheromatous plaque is excised by a cutting or rotating catheter. It differs from balloon and laser angioplasty procedures which enlarge vessels by dilation but frequently do not remove much plaque. If the plaque is removed by surgical excision under general anesthesia rather than by an endovascular procedure through a catheter, it is called ENDARTERECTOMY.
Svenska synonymer
Inga svenska synonymer finns.
Engelska synonymer
Atherectomies — Percutaneous Transluminal Atherectomy — Atherectomies, Percutaneous Transluminal — Atherectomy, Percutaneous Transluminal — Percutaneous Transluminal Atherectomies — Transluminal Atherectomies, Percutaneous — Transluminal Atherectomy, Percutaneous — Transluminal Atherectomy — Atherectomies, Transluminal — Atherectomy, Transluminal — Transluminal Atherectomies — Percutaneous Atherectomy — Atherectomies, Percutaneous — Atherectomy, Percutaneous — Percutaneous Atherectomies