

Svensk definition

En familj transmembranglykoproteiner bestående av icke-kovalenta heterodimerer. De samverkar med en rad olika ligander, som t ex proteiner i den extracellulära matrisen, komplement och andra celler, medan deras intracellulära domäner samverkar med cellskelettet. Integrinerna utgörs av åtminstone tre identifierade familjer, cytoadhesinreceptorer, leukocytadhesionsreceptorer, och sena antigenreceptorer. Varje familj har en gemensam betaunderenhet (se beta-integrinkedjor), förenad med en eller fler distinkta alfaunderenheter (alfa-integrinkedjor). Dessa receptorer medverkar i cell-matrixadhesion och cell-celladhesion i många fysiologiskt viktiga förlopp, inklusive embryonal utveckling, hemostas, trombos, sårläkning, i immuna såväl som icke immuna försvarsmekanismer, samt i onkogen omvandling.

Engelsk definition

A family of transmembrane glycoproteins (MEMBRANE GLYCOPROTEINS) consisting of noncovalent heterodimers. They interact with a wide variety of ligands including EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX PROTEINS; COMPLEMENT, and other cells, while their intracellular domains interact with the CYTOSKELETON. The integrins consist of at least three identified families: the cytoadhesin receptors (RECEPTORS, CYTOADHESIN), the leukocyte adhesion receptors (RECEPTORS, LEUKOCYTE ADHESION), and the VERY LATE ANTIGEN RECEPTORS. Each family contains a common beta-subunit (INTEGRIN BETA CHAINS) combined with one or more distinct alpha-subunits (INTEGRIN ALPHA CHAINS). These receptors participate in cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesion in many physiologically important processes, including embryological development; HEMOSTASIS; THROMBOSIS; WOUND HEALING; immune and nonimmune defense mechanisms; and oncogenic transformation.

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