Receptors, Very Late Antigen


Engelsk definition

Members of the integrin family appearing late after T-cell activation. They are a family of proteins initially identified at the surface of stimulated T-cells, but now identified on a variety of cell types. At least six VLA antigens have been identified as heterodimeric adhesion receptors consisting of a single common beta-subunit and different alpha-subunits.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Receptors, Very Late Activation Antigen Very Late Activation Antigen Receptors Receptor, Very Late Antigen Very Late Antigen Receptors VLA Receptors Receptors, VLA VLA Activation Antigens Activation Antigens, VLA Antigens, VLA Activation VLA Protein Complex Protein Complex, VLA VLA Differentiation Antigens Antigens, VLA Differentiation Differentiation Antigens, VLA