Cohort Studies


Svensk definition

Studier som identifierar grupper i en avgränsad population. Dessa grupper antingen kan eller kan inte vara utsatta för faktorer som antas inverka på sannolikheten för förekomsten av någon bestämd sjukdom eller annat fenomen. Kohorter är definierade populationer, som i sin helhet följs i ett försök att hos undergrupper fastställa särskiljande kännetecken.

Engelsk definition

Studies in which subsets of a defined population are identified. These groups may or may not be exposed to factors hypothesized to influence the probability of the occurrence of a particular disease or other outcome. Cohorts are defined populations which, as a whole, are followed in an attempt to determine distinguishing subgroup characteristics.

Svenska synonymer

Kohortundersökningar Incidensstudier Historiska kohortstudier Slutna kohortstudier Kohortanalys

Engelska synonymer

Cohort Study Studies, Cohort Study, Cohort Studies, Concurrent Concurrent Study Study, Concurrent Concurrent Studies Closed Cohort Studies Cohort Studies, Closed Closed Cohort Study Cohort Study, Closed Study, Closed Cohort Studies, Closed Cohort Historical Cohort Studies Cohort Studies, Historical Cohort Study, Historical Historical Cohort Study Study, Historical Cohort Studies, Historical Cohort Incidence Studies Incidence Study Studies, Incidence Study, Incidence Analysis, Cohort Analyses, Cohort Cohort Analyses Cohort Analysis Birth Cohort Studies Birth Cohort Study Cohort Studies, Birth Cohort Study, Birth Studies, Birth Cohort Study, Birth Cohort