Receptors, Antigen, B-Cell

Receptorer, antigen, B-celler

Engelsk definition

IMMUNOGLOBULINS on the surface of B-LYMPHOCYTES. Their MESSENGER RNA contains an EXON with a membrane spanning sequence, producing immunoglobulins in the form of type I transmembrane proteins as opposed to secreted immunoglobulins (ANTIBODIES) which do not contain the membrane spanning segment.

Svenska synonymer

Immunglobuliner, cellyta

Engelska synonymer

Membrane Bound Immunoglobulin Bound Immunoglobulin, Membrane Immunoglobulin, Membrane Bound Membrane-Bound Immunoglobulins Membrane Bound Immunoglobulins Surface Immunoglobulins Surface Immunoglobulin Immunoglobulin, Surface Receptors, Antigen, B Cell Antigen Receptors, B-Cell Antigen Receptors, B Cell Receptors, B-Cell Antigen B-Cell Antigen Receptors B Cell Antigen Receptors B-Cell Antigen Receptor Antigen Receptor, B-Cell B Cell Antigen Receptor Receptor, B-Cell Antigen Immunoglobulins, Membrane-Bound Immunoglobulins, Membrane Bound Immunoglobulins, Surface