T-Lymphocytes, Helper-Inducer


Svensk definition

En subpopulation CD4+-lymfocyter som samverkar med andra lymfocyter (antingen T- eller B-celler) för att sätta igång en rad immunfunktioner. Hjälpar-T-celler samverkar t e x med B-celler för att producera antikroppar mot tymusberoende antigen och med andra undergrupper av T-celler för att utlösa en rad olika cellförmedlade immunreaktioner.

Engelsk definition

Subpopulation of CD4+ lymphocytes that cooperate with other lymphocytes (either T or B) to initiate a variety of immune functions. For example, helper-inducer T-cells cooperate with B-cells to produce antibodies to thymus-dependent antigens and with other subpopulations of T-cells to initiate a variety of cell-mediated immune functions.

Svenska synonymer


Engelska synonymer

Helper-Inducer T-Lymphocyte T Lymphocytes, Helper Inducer T-Lymphocyte, Helper-Inducer T-Lymphocytes, Helper Helper T-Lymphocyte Helper T-Lymphocytes T Lymphocytes, Helper T-Lymphocyte, Helper T-Lymphocytes, Inducer Inducer T-Lymphocyte Inducer T-Lymphocytes T Lymphocytes, Inducer T-Lymphocyte, Inducer Helper Cells Inducer Cell Helper-Inducer T-Lymphocytes Helper Inducer T Lymphocytes Inducer Cells T-Cells, Helper-Inducer Helper-Inducer T-Cell Helper-Inducer T-Cells T Cells, Helper Inducer T-Cell, Helper-Inducer Helper T Cell Cell, Helper T Cells, Helper T T Cell, Helper T Cells, Helper Helper Cell Helper T-Cells Helper T Cells Helper T-Cell T-Cell, Helper T-Cells, Helper