Cerebellar Neoplasms


Svensk definition

Primära tumörer eller metastaser i lillhjärnan. Tumörer lokaliserade i lillhjärnan yttrar sig ofta i form av ataxi eller förhöjt intrakraniellt tryck pga obstruktion av den fjärde ventrikeln. Vanliga primära cerebellumtumörer inkluderar fibrillärt astrocytom och cerebellärt hemangioblastom. Lillhjärnan utgör ofta målorgan för metastaser från tumörer i lungor, bröst eller andra, avlägsna organ.

Engelsk definition

Primary or metastatic neoplasms of the CEREBELLUM. Tumors in this location frequently present with ATAXIA or signs of INTRACRANIAL HYPERTENSION due to obstruction of the fourth ventricle. Common primary cerebellar tumors include fibrillary ASTROCYTOMA and cerebellar HEMANGIOBLASTOMA. The cerebellum is a relatively common site for tumor metastases from the lung, breast, and other distant organs. (From Okazaki & Scheithauer, Atlas of Neuropathology, 1988, p86 and p141)

Svenska synonymer

Cerebellär cancer Cerebellära tumörer Lillhjärnecancer

Engelska synonymer

Cerebellar Tumors Cerebellar Tumor Tumor, Cerebellar Neoplasms, Cerebellar Cerebellar Neoplasm Neoplasm, Cerebellar Cerebellar Neoplasms, Primary Cerebellar Neoplasm, Primary Primary Cerebellar Neoplasm Primary Cerebellar Neoplasms Primary Neoplasms, Cerebellum Cerebellum Primary Neoplasm Cerebellum Primary Neoplasms Neoplasm, Cerebellum Primary Primary Neoplasm, Cerebellum Neoplasms, Cerebellar, Primary Benign Cerebellar Neoplasms Benign Cerebellar Neoplasm Cerebellar Neoplasm, Benign Neoplasm, Benign Cerebellar Neoplasms, Cerebellar, Benign Cerebellar Neoplasms, Benign Cerebellar Cancer Cancer, Cerebellar Cerebellar Cancers Cerebellar Neoplasms, Malignant Neoplasms, Cerebellar, Malignant Malignant Cerebellar Neoplasms Cerebellar Neoplasm, Malignant Malignant Cerebellar Neoplasm Neoplasm, Malignant Cerebellar