Acute-Phase Proteins


Svensk definition

Proteiner som utsöndras i större eller mindre mängd i blodet av hepatocyter i samband med skada, inflammation eller sjukdom. Dessa proteiner tjänar som hämmare eller mediatorer av inflammatoriska förl opp. Vissa akutfasproteiner har använts för diagnostiska ändamål.

Engelsk definition

Proteins that are secreted into the blood in increased or decreased quantities by hepatocytes in response to trauma, inflammation, or disease. These proteins can serve as inhibitors or mediators of the inflammatory processes. Certain acute-phase proteins have been used to diagnose and follow the course of diseases or as tumor markers.

Svenska synonymer

Proteiner, akutfas

Engelska synonymer

Acute Phase Proteins Acute-Phase Protein Acute Phase Protein Protein, Acute-Phase Acute Phase Reactant Phase Reactant, Acute Reactant, Acute Phase Acute-Phase Reactants Acute Phase Reactants Reactants, Acute-Phase Reactants, Acute Phase Acute-Phase Reactant Reactant, Acute-Phase Proteins, Acute-Phase Proteins, Acute Phase Acute-Phase Glycoproteins Acute Phase Glycoproteins Glycoproteins, Acute-Phase Acute-Phase Glycoprotein Acute Phase Glycoprotein Glycoprotein, Acute-Phase