Volume Electron Microscopy


Engelsk definition

Electron microscopy techniques designed to reconstruct 3-D images at micrometer volume scales at nanometer (nm) level resolutions. Volume electron microscopy uses various techniques to render, segment and reconstruct 3-D images from stacked sequential 2-D images of incremental z-planes.

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Engelska synonymer

Electron Microscopy, Volume Volume Electron Microscopies vEM Volume Electron Microscopy Volume EM EM, Volume Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy FIB-SEM Focused Ion Beam SEM Serial Sectioning Transmission Electron Microscopy ssTEM Serial Sectioning TEM Serial Sectioning TEMs TEM, Serial Sectioning TEMs, Serial Sectioning Serial Block-Face Scanning Electron Microscopy Serial Block Face Scanning Electron Microscopy SBF-SEM Serial Block-Face SEM SEM, Serial Block-Face Serial Block Face SEM Serial Block-Face SEMs