Micronuclei, Chromosome-Defective

Kromosomdefekta mikrokärnor

Svensk definition

Defekta kärnor som bildas under telofasen av mitos eller meios av kvarblivna kromosomer eller kromosomfragment efter spontana eller experimentella kromosomstrukturförändringar.

Engelsk definition

Defective nuclei produced during the TELOPHASE of MITOSIS or MEIOSIS by lagging CHROMOSOMES or chromosome fragments derived from spontaneous or experimentally induced chromosomal structural changes.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Chromosome-Defective Micronucleus Micronuclei, Chromosome Defective Micronucleus, Chromosome-Defective Micronucleus, Chromosome Defective Chromosome-Defective Micronuclei Chromosome Defective Micronuclei Micronuclei, Genotoxicant-Induced Genotoxicant-Induced Micronucleus Micronuclei, Genotoxicant Induced Micronucleus, Genotoxicant-Induced Genotoxicant-Induced Micronuclei Genotoxicant Induced Micronuclei