Svensk definition
Ett av flera basiska proteiner som frisätts från cytoplasmakorn hos eosinofiler. Eosinofilt katjonprotein är en cytotoxisk peptid med molekylvikten 21 kD och pI (isoelektrisk punkt) 10,9. Trots att proteinet räknas till RNAs-superfamiljen uppvisar det endast begränsad RNAs-aktivitet.
Engelsk definition
One of several basic proteins released from EOSINOPHIL cytoplasmic granules. Eosinophil cationic protein is a 21-kDa cytotoxic peptide with a pI of 10.9. Although eosinophil cationic protein is considered a member of the RNAse A superfamily of proteins, it has only limited RNAse activity.
Engelska synonymer
Cationic Protein, Eosinophil — Serum Eosinophil Cationic Protein — RNS3 Protein — Eosinophil-Associated Ribonuclease — Eosinophil Associated Ribonuclease — Ribonuclease, Eosinophil-Associated — RNase 3